Alternative Monopoly rules and game elements (part 2)

Following my first set of alternative rules and game elements, here's some more...

The Toll (monopoly game element)

A new token called "the toll". This new monopoly token would be another way of financing some project on your property. There would be only one monopoly toll in the game and it would be controlled by only one player at a time. To get control of it you need to stop on the "GO" spot and roll a double at your next turn. You could also get control of it by drawing the monopoly community chest card that gives control of "The toll". The alternative monopoly rules are the following.
  • You need a complete set of property (all monopoly property of the same color)
  • You can't put a toll if some of those property are already improved.
  • Every time a player passes through the toll he needs to pay is right to pass and that even if
    he doesn't stop on it. See the legend on the right to find the price.
  • The toll must be set on the last property of a set.
  • The player still need to pay the rent when stopping on the property where the toll is placed.
The Taxi (monopoly game element)

Like the toll, the new monopoly token called "the taxi" is unique and can be controlled by only one player at a time. The taxi token is placed on the free parking spot when the game starts. To make use of the taxi, you must land on the same spot as the taxi. When it's your turn to play, instead of rolling the dice, you can "take the cab" anywhere on the monopoly game board. Every spot traveled will cost you ten monopoly dollar (10$). The alternative monopoly rules for the new taxi token are the following.
  • The ride will cost 10$ per monopoly spot traveled
  • You can't reuse the taxi the next turn
  • The starting position of the taxi is the monopoly free parking spot
Parking spot (Alternative monopoly rule)
You just found some money on the ground! To get this money, you need to roll a double. The money you win is the money paid by monopoly player when drawing community chest card or chance card that says something like: "You need to pay the bank...". So all the money paid normaly to the bank is put on the parking lot space instead of the bank chest. Every player landing on the monopoly parking spot will have a chance to make some extra money. See the images to find out examples of what monopoly cards will have you put some money there.

GO spot (alternative monopoly rule)

When a player stop exactly on the monopoly GO spot he have the choice to send the traffic counter-clockwise (or clockwise) if he wants. To do so, he must roll the dice and get a double. If he succeed, the monopoly game board will now be a one way in the direction indicated by this player. We could probably add a new monopoly token in the shape of an arrow to indicate the current traffic direction to make sure no one goes in the wrong direction.

My other post on Monopoly board game

Monopoly alternative rules part 1
Board changes, railroad tracks to short-circuit some part of the planchette, new monopoly chance cards.

Monopoly alternative rules final part
Auction revisited, new token to add more strategy, new powers to the owners of the electric company and water works properties.

Monopoly rules
Find out why you should always read the monopoly rules before playing this board game. A list of links to the monopoly rules in various language.

Monopoly strategies
Forget about the odds, think about how to buy the best monopoly property. An analysis of all monopoly chance and community chest cards to help you choose the best property to buy.


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