Monopoly Junior Strategy

Ok, you are wondering why I’m talking strategy in a monopoly kid board game. More than that, you are asking yourself what kind of strategy there could be in Monopoly Jun ior… I have to agree that there isn’t a lot of trick and twist but like the rest of the element in this board game, the re is a few strategy and they are simple. They simplified them in a way that kids playing this board game will slowly assimilate what a board game strategy is. If we take a look at the Monopoly Junio r chance cards, we can see: Free purple booth card, free light blue boo th card, free pink booth card, free orange booth card, free red booth card, free yellow booth card and f inally, free blue booth car d. Monopoly Junior Free Ticket Booth Cards The Special Monopoly Junior Card Strategy There’s also “special” card (my daughter like to say that), where the player is asked to move on the monopoly junior game board to a “special” location. These special spot on the board are the on e s you want to pick ...