clue game arena

The clue game arena or more commonly known has Tudor's Mansion, is the house where Mr. John Boddy was found dead. At the time of the crime, a bunch of people (the suspects) where in this mansion and one of them did the unthinkable!

We all know those famous suspects by name, but do you really know who they are and why they were at Tudor's Mansion that night?

clue game arena suspect Colonel Mustard
Colonel Mustard (aka Michael Mustard)

Did you know that this man never sleep without a revolver near his bed? That he received military decorations such has: The Distinguished Service Order (DSO) (UK military decoration) (for a battle at khyber pass in Afganistan, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), for his services in the army during the world war. He's a retired military man and he's also someone that attract ladies attention.

He's in the clue arena for a reason, some said he made some kind of bad investment with Mr. Boddy and things didn't go well. We also eared some love stories going on between him and Mrs Peacock and that the deceased might have done bad things to her.

clue game arena suspect Reverend Green
Mr. Green (aka Reverend Green)

This man is without a doubt addicted to money. A two face man, peacefull and religious with dark secrets related to money. Always trying to raises more funds for religion, this man is also associated with the word gangster.
Mr. Green was short on money when he went to the mansion. He's the kind of businessman without to much scruples.

Did he contract a debt to Mr. Boddy? Was Mr. Boddy aware of incriminating facts about Reverend Green? Who knows? But he is for sure a prime suspect in the game arena.

clue game arena suspect Professor Plum
Professor Plum (aka Peter, Edgar, the archaeologist)

Another famous actor of the the clue game arena is the professor Plum. Always trying to be in hot political ground, he's an archaeologist that we are unsure if he can be trusted. Always looking for lost bones, this man needs money to finance all kind of expeditions in unknown territories.

In short, this suspect his walking in the mansion to find funds and he might just be capable of doing anything to find some. Green and Plum are so far in the arena for the same reasons... money!

Miss Scarlet (aka Vivienne or the Mercenary of Macao)clue game arena suspect Miss Scarlet

Yound, sexy, Miss Scarlet is definitely playing a game of charm in thie Clue arena. People are saying that this young lady is looking for gold in man's pockets. It was also said that she is in love with the colonel, so are they playing a tactical game here? This lady is up to something in the mansion, but how can we know of Mr. Boddy and Colonel Mustard, who is the victim and if the crime is a murder or true love?

So, for love or money, this gorgeous young lady is for sure a suspect in this clue game.

Mrs. White (aka Blanche)
clue game arena suspect Mrs. White
The maid or the cook, Blanche White was not a guess at the mansion the night of the murder, she was an employe. For long years, she saw everything going in and out of this mansion.
More then everybody else, this mansion, her house, as no secret for her. She's getting older and probably a little bit tired of serving this man Mr. Boddy.

She's the closest person in Mr. Boddy's life, she knows all the things going on in the Mansion, she's the better candidate to plan a murder here!

Mrs. Peacock (aka Henrietta, Elizabeth, the widow)
clue game arena suspect Mrs. Peacock
This wealthy lady, went through many weddings and many... death. She likes money more than everything. She's a convincing and determinate person. Some person said that shes doesn't like younger female to fly around her prey. Was Mr. Boddy one of her prey? That we don't know for sure, but we sure know that a younger lady (miss Scarlet) was there that night. The clue game arena most have been hot that night and who knows what Mrs. Peacock is capable of.

Like most of the other clue suspects, Mrs. Peacock was in the manor for money. But what was the price to pay to get that money from Mr. Boddy? A murder? Your call.

Now that we draw the picture of each of the clue suspect, which one should you play to make your way in the clue arena? To answer this question, look out for "clue game arena part two" to find out why Mrs. Peacock is the obvious choice!

My other post about Clue the board game

Clue, how to do you play this board game
Clue memory refresher, remember those detective notes... this post is kind of an introduction to this old time classic board game.

Clue on the internet
Tired of waiting for someone to play with you? The solution is right here in this post, find out how you can play this with people around the world and also find out new ways of playing it.

Clue game arena part II
Find out the shortest path to explore the entire clue board and be the fastest to collect more evidence to make your accusation.

Clue strategy
After reading this, you will be the greatest player around the table to make an accusation the fastest. Of course, this post doesn't explain how to roll sixes all the time, but it do explain how to take the best detective notes with very simple tricks.

Clue versus (male suspects)
Find out the obvious reasons why Colonel Mustard would use a revolver to murder Mr. Boddy and why he would do that in the conservatory.

Clue versus (female suspects)
Why would Mrs. White use the knife in the Kitchen to terminate Mr. Boddy's life? The setup is obvious, but what were the real motives...



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