instructions for risk board game (part 2)

Following my previous post on "instructions for risk board game", I will describe my Risk strategies to conquer the rest of the world. Now that you have conquered (the dice are rolling for you) Australia and you are getting more risk units every turn for this continent, you've been able to build up a great army in north america. On the Risk game board, you should focus on establishing good defenses in Greenland and Alaska.

The point of attack will on south america through central america. You guessed right, the next victim will be Venezuela. So at this stage of the game, my instructions would be to attack only this section of the board game and not taking too much risk. The goal is to build up another big defense in Brazil. This might take a couple of turn but you need to stay focused on those instructions.

Now that we have established a good defense in the following key locations: Indonesia, Greenland, Alaska and Brazil, we need to do two things to stick to my instructions for risk board game. First, conquer the territories left to the opponent in north america and south america if not already done. Second, prevent my Risk opponents from getting extra units for continent control. To achieve this second instruction, here's some more Risk instructions.

  • Move units from Indonesia to Siam to prevent an opponent from getting Risk unit in Asia. Siam is a good spot since there's only two territories to attack from (India and China)
  • Move units from Greenland to Iceland. I know Iceland is small and your Risk units won't fit, but do we really care! This move will prevent another Risk player from controlling Europe and get more units each turn.

Ok, now you should be in good position to control the rest of the game board. To control the rest of the Risk game board, you will need some patience from here. In my next post, I will explain how you should play your Risk cards to maximize your chance of winning this Risk game. So stay tuned for more instructions for risk board game in my next post.

My other post on Risk board game

Risk Strategy part I
Conquer a continent fast, use extra armies wisely, find out the first part of my favorite Risk strategy.

Risk Strategy part III
How do I use the Risk card at the right moment. The synchronous attack on Europe through north africa and Iceland.

Risk Strategy final part
The final move on Asia, how to use the Australian continent to lure your opponent, make your self big and overlap the continents.

Risk online
Tired of waiting after your friend to play this good old strategy board game, find out where and what you could do.


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